“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
First Covenant Preschool Ministry seeks to nurture and equip children and families in their spiritual growth. We want church to be a happy safe place preschoolers can't wait to visit. In our play-to-learn environment kids will understand the Bible is God's word and it applies to their daily lives. God loves preschoolers and their families!

Sunday Mornings
Sunday School in an active, hands-on, Bible-based learning environment. Play-to-learn activity centers enhance the lessons.
Children's Church is a play-to-learn time that includes all preschool ages together. Videos and activity centers enhance the lessons.
where to find us
locate critter corner
From the front main entrance find the staircase to the right, across the foyer. Go downstairs and straight through the double doors.