
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

proverbs 27:17

What is IRONMEN Ministries?
From cookouts, service projects, monthly breakfasts, Bible Studies, bike trips, canoe trips and relationship building excursions IRONMEN know what itʼs all about. Itʼs all about following Jesus! IRONMEN Ministries strives to promote fellowship among men in all events. While experiencing Christian interaction, we donʼt lose sight of the opportunity we each have to reach out to our friends, family, and neighbors.

IRONMEN Ministries offers a format that is non-threatening, where men can develop new and lasting relationships. This environment is custom-fit with projects and activities for young and old alike and creates ideal conditions to promote lasting bonds much needed among our men and with God.

Saturday Breakfast

Saturday breakfasts are held the first Saturday of each month at 7:30 A.M. in Fellowship Hall and are a perfect opportunity to come together for the nutrition we need, both physically and spiritually. The morning begins with a breakfast meal prepared by our men. Following breakfast spiritual food is served through a testimony or a teaching from one of our men or a video from other national men’s ministry programs. Discussion and announcements about upcoming events and possible ministry opportunities will be included in this time also.

Helping Hands Ministry

Opportunity to help with various community ministry projects and helping individuals and families with minor home repair, car repair, and helping people move, etc.

Study Opportunities

Sunday Morning Classes

Study biblical insight on God's design for a man's life of truth, passion & purpose.
When: Sunday mornings at 9:30am
Where: LL4

Men's Bible Study

When: Thursdays at 6:15am
Where: Conference Room

Life Groups

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

- Ecclesiastes 4:12