Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We strive to go deeper in Christ and further in mission. Learn about our mission opportunities here and abroad.

Local OUtreach
Find a place to serve in our local community

Holiday family Sponsorship
Partnership with St. John's Missionary Baptist Church
Adopt individuals/families in need in the community during the Thanksgiving/Christmas season. Purchase gifts for Christmas or donate funds for Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.
Adopt individuals/families in need in the community during the Thanksgiving/Christmas season. Purchase gifts for Christmas or donate funds for Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.

After-School Minsitry
Partnership with St. John's Missionary Baptist Church
Participate in a Wednesday & Friday After-School ministry to elementary age students during the school year by helping with an area such as games, crafts, a bible story, snacks, ect.
Participate in a Wednesday & Friday After-School ministry to elementary age students during the school year by helping with an area such as games, crafts, a bible story, snacks, ect.

Class that creates space for people to explore the basics of the Christian faith.
Opportunities to help with food preparation, childcare, or participating in discussions with people in a small group setting. It's a wonderful way to get involved in an evangelistic outreach ministry that shares Christ with others in a non-threatening way.
Opportunities to help with food preparation, childcare, or participating in discussions with people in a small group setting. It's a wonderful way to get involved in an evangelistic outreach ministry that shares Christ with others in a non-threatening way.

Ashby House
Salina ministry that serves homeless individuals and families.
Opportunities to come along side the house as they serve homeless families and individuals.
Opportunities to come along side the house as they serve homeless families and individuals.

At Stake Minsitries
Counseling Services
Everyone has a desire to lead lives of significance and meaning…to experience “the abundant life” that Jesus speaks of in John 10:10. At Stake Ministries is passionate about helping others experience life-giving, healthy relationships with God and with others. Just like a stake supports the vine, we seek to come alongside youth, individual adults, couples and families in order to:
• Provide healing from past pain
• Identify your unique pressure patterns and cycles
• Break free of strongholds
• Provide tools for a life of continual transformation
Everyone has a desire to lead lives of significance and meaning…to experience “the abundant life” that Jesus speaks of in John 10:10. At Stake Ministries is passionate about helping others experience life-giving, healthy relationships with God and with others. Just like a stake supports the vine, we seek to come alongside youth, individual adults, couples and families in order to:
• Provide healing from past pain
• Identify your unique pressure patterns and cycles
• Break free of strongholds
• Provide tools for a life of continual transformation

Christan Challenge
College & Career Ministry
Work with and reach out to college students and young adults here in Salina.
Work with and reach out to college students and young adults here in Salina.

the city
Salina teen center offering a safe space for youth to get mentored and encouraged.
Opportunities to work with youth ministries and mentor young people in our community.
Opportunities to work with youth ministries and mentor young people in our community.

emergency aid food bank
Salina's local food bank helping community members in need.
Opportunity to help stock and distribute food items.
Opportunity to help stock and distribute food items.

helping hands ministry
Opportunity to help with various community projects such as minor home repairs, helping people move, ect.

homestead ministries
The Homestead Ministry offers a voluntary, short-term, transitory care program for women, 18 years and older, who have bravely escaped the sex industry. These women are offered a safe residence where they can start rebuilding their lives through education, job apprenticeships, work placement, professional counseling, mentor-ship, health care, and Bible studies. The ministry shares basic Christian principles, allowing God to work in their lives. We have a home located in Manhattan Kansas and currently fundraising to open a second location in Salina.

salina Grace
Salina Grace Foundation is a community resource center and we also provide a winter-only overnight emergency shelter.

Pregnancy Service Center
Christian ministry helping people struggling through pregnancy and raising children.
Opportunities to help on various tasks at the Center, and help young mothers and families, mentoring opportunities, ect.
Opportunities to help on various tasks at the Center, and help young mothers and families, mentoring opportunities, ect.

Helping Real People With Real Struggles Make Real Change In Jesus’ Name
Helping Real People With Real Struggles Make Real Change In Jesus’ Name
Helping Real People With Real Struggles Make Real Change In Jesus’ Name

Salvation Army
Preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ & meeting human needs in His name without discrimination.
Opportunities to work with children and youth, help serve meals in the evenings, etc.
Opportunities to work with children and youth, help serve meals in the evenings, etc.

Active Partners
kendall & Lois Borthwick
Bridges International at Kansas State University
We seek to reach internationals with the good news of Jesus Christ through Socials, Service, Spiritual Resources and Student Leadership opportunities.
We seek to reach internationals with the good news of Jesus Christ through Socials, Service, Spiritual Resources and Student Leadership opportunities.
Bob & marilyn Buesnitz
Wycliffe Partners
We are training and mentoring translators of vernacular languages in Indonesia. We are based in Dallas, Texas.
We are training and mentoring translators of vernacular languages in Indonesia. We are based in Dallas, Texas.
Spencer Einhaus
Charlie Fiorillo
Serving with Campus Outreach in Monterrey, Mexico. Working with college students at Tecnologico de Monterrey.
Ministering as a pastor to the University of New Mexico college campus in Albuquerque, NM.
Rachel Gibson
Partners with Bridges International at Kansas State University
They work with international students at KSU. They give opportunities for students to become involved in student leadership, service projects, social activities, and spiritual growth. In spiritual growth they seek to win students to embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, build them into disciples, and send them to their homes and workplaces with the gospel of Christ. They often interact with students from countries where it is illegal or difficult to present the gospel.
They work with international students at KSU. They give opportunities for students to become involved in student leadership, service projects, social activities, and spiritual growth. In spiritual growth they seek to win students to embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, build them into disciples, and send them to their homes and workplaces with the gospel of Christ. They often interact with students from countries where it is illegal or difficult to present the gospel.
Working with The Navigators at the University of Nebraska by sharing the gospel, making disciples, and equipping students to do the same.
NOVO Partners
Roger & Julie served in Japan from 1982-2007. Roger now co-leads Empowering Leaders, a division of NOVO with staff seeking to multiply disciples of Christ, leaders, churches and movements of the Gospel in a dozen countries on four continents.
Roger & Julie served in Japan from 1982-2007. Roger now co-leads Empowering Leaders, a division of NOVO with staff seeking to multiply disciples of Christ, leaders, churches and movements of the Gospel in a dozen countries on four continents.
Partners in Ecuador
We are currently on Home Assignment in the US but have been partnering in Ecuador since 2009. We partnered mostly in the areas of seminary education, leadership training and supporting Covenant World Relief and Development Projects. We are in a season of prayer, discernment, and conversation with Serve Globally about the future of our partnership.
We are currently on Home Assignment in the US but have been partnering in Ecuador since 2009. We partnered mostly in the areas of seminary education, leadership training and supporting Covenant World Relief and Development Projects. We are in a season of prayer, discernment, and conversation with Serve Globally about the future of our partnership.
SIM Partners
The SIM retirement village in Sebring.
Steve – Assisting with village maintenance and building work. Volunteers (many from Canada) are not able to come help because of Covid-19 restrictions.
Carol - assisting staff caring for those in the lodge assisted living. Oldest resident is 102 years old.
Prayer groups.
Supporting ELWA ministries in Liberia West Africa as able.
The SIM retirement village in Sebring.
Steve – Assisting with village maintenance and building work. Volunteers (many from Canada) are not able to come help because of Covid-19 restrictions.
Carol - assisting staff caring for those in the lodge assisted living. Oldest resident is 102 years old.
Prayer groups.
Supporting ELWA ministries in Liberia West Africa as able.
Marta Klein
Medical Missionary focusing on hospital and public health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Dale & Sara Lusk
Max McClure
Dale is the International Director of Global Engagements for the Evangelical Covenant Church.
Serve Globally partner, Ministry with and for prisoners and their families through Prison Fellowship.
Karl & Mary Noren
Paul & Sheryl Noren
Teaching, mentoring, and discipling students at Rain Forest International School (RFIS).
DR of Congo, Central African Republic, and Cameroon working with agriculture, agroforestry, water systems, medical, and accounting.
Even & Karina Paul
Serving in Haiti by empowering local leaders and sharing Christ's hope, healing, and encouragement.
Partners with Serve Globally in Paris
Ministry through the arts, spiritual care and formation.
Ministry through the arts, spiritual care and formation.
Richard & Gladys Scoggan
Serving in Bolivia and involved in youth and children ministries, preaching, leadership teams, academic and biblical counseling.
First Covenant supports two families working to further the Gospel in these areas. They do this through education, discipleship, and written works.