Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
In the FCC Nursery our goal is to have each child feel loved, safe, engaged, taken care of, and prayed for. Parents can enjoy worship knowing their child was welcomed with open arms.

Where to find us

locate the nursery wing
From the front main entrance turn left and follow the hallway midway down to the Nursery counter on the left. From the side entrance on the south end of the building follow the hallway halfway down its length to the nursery counter on the right.
Sunday Mornings
9:30 & 10:50am
The nursery is available to children ages 0-3 during the worship services.
Nursery details
Nursery Hours
Nursery hours are 8:15am - 11:45pm on Sundays.
Nursing mothers may use the “Mother’s Room” which is located in the South hallway. The changing tables are in the restrooms in the nursery hallway.
Nursery Registration
Childcare is available for children ages 0-3 years old. Registration is held at the check-in desk in the main foyer. After your first Sunday you may visit any kiosk and type in your last name to check in your family. For safety reasons only nursery workers are to enter the nursery. In the event you may need to be notified, we will text your cell phone.
Labels should be put on children and their possessions before entering the nursery. Please mark diaper bags, bottles, blankets, pacifiers, etc. Your cooperation is crucial to run the nursery smoothly and give each child the proper care.
Pick Up Your Children
Please pick up your child promptly to insure proper child supervision and smooth flow of traffic between services. When you pick up your child, go to the check-in desk for babies, and north nursery door for toddlers with your printed receipt and wait for a worker to bring him/her to you.
What to Bring
Toys and recreational facilities in the nursery are constantly updated. Toys are cleaned after each use.
Note: Children’s personal toys should not be brought to the Nursery but blankets for comfort are welcome.
To maintain high health standards, sick children are not accepted in the nursery. Children should be free of fever for twenty-four hours before attending their class. Children requiring scheduled medicines should remain at home. If your child becomes ill, you will be notified immediately.
We use the utmost care to provide a safe and clean environment. Every worker is required to follow procedures for diaper changing, hand washing, and cleaning of the nursery. All nursery volunteers have gone through a nursery training which covers safety and procedures. These volunteers have a Personal Information Sheet and background check on file to further insure your child’s safety!
Be a Caregiver
Volunteering to help with children is a pleasant and rewarding experience. If you are interested in becoming a Nursery Caregiver, please contact our Nursery Coordinator, Micah Barriball.
Nursery hours are 8:15am - 11:45pm on Sundays.
Nursing mothers may use the “Mother’s Room” which is located in the South hallway. The changing tables are in the restrooms in the nursery hallway.
Nursery Registration
Childcare is available for children ages 0-3 years old. Registration is held at the check-in desk in the main foyer. After your first Sunday you may visit any kiosk and type in your last name to check in your family. For safety reasons only nursery workers are to enter the nursery. In the event you may need to be notified, we will text your cell phone.
Labels should be put on children and their possessions before entering the nursery. Please mark diaper bags, bottles, blankets, pacifiers, etc. Your cooperation is crucial to run the nursery smoothly and give each child the proper care.
Pick Up Your Children
Please pick up your child promptly to insure proper child supervision and smooth flow of traffic between services. When you pick up your child, go to the check-in desk for babies, and north nursery door for toddlers with your printed receipt and wait for a worker to bring him/her to you.
What to Bring
- A bag marked with the child’s name
- An extra change of clothing
- 2 extra diapers or pull-ups and wipes
- Marked bottles or sipper cups
- A snack will be provided in the nursery during the services. No outside food should be brought into the nursery with the exception of your child having a food allergy.
Toys and recreational facilities in the nursery are constantly updated. Toys are cleaned after each use.
Note: Children’s personal toys should not be brought to the Nursery but blankets for comfort are welcome.
To maintain high health standards, sick children are not accepted in the nursery. Children should be free of fever for twenty-four hours before attending their class. Children requiring scheduled medicines should remain at home. If your child becomes ill, you will be notified immediately.
We use the utmost care to provide a safe and clean environment. Every worker is required to follow procedures for diaper changing, hand washing, and cleaning of the nursery. All nursery volunteers have gone through a nursery training which covers safety and procedures. These volunteers have a Personal Information Sheet and background check on file to further insure your child’s safety!
Be a Caregiver
Volunteering to help with children is a pleasant and rewarding experience. If you are interested in becoming a Nursery Caregiver, please contact our Nursery Coordinator, Micah Barriball.